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Certificate Courses Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives

Microsoft Office Certificate Course

By Prof. B. C. Thakre - Assistant Professor department of Commerce, Course Coordinator

           Resource Person : -  1) Dr. M. D. Tajane

                                            2)  Prof. J. B. Tayade

                                            3) Dr. S. R. Malaviya


This course consist of five units with theory and practical work. College wants to provide the best opportunity to the tribal students for learning the basic knowledge of computer and handling Microsoft Office suite. To admit in this course department will display notice on notice board to inform students. Department have limitation to take 60 admission so students will be admitted on first come basis. This course will be run 30 hours (an hour per day) except college time by well qualified teacher. After the completion of course department will provide the certificate to students of successfully completed course. 



Course Status:           Everyear

Course Type  :           Elective

Duration        :           30 hours (Notice for admission will be displayed college Notice board)

Category        :          Computer Skill

Credit points :           NA 

Level             :          Undergraduate.

Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives
1) Workshop on effective Soft Skill Implementation in Self employment  on  21/01/2023
Yoga and Meditation Certificate Course 

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